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I just found out that you could be diffrent charcters.
Now that is intresting.

(2 edits)

I love your game idea and style, but here is some tips for it to make it better:

Experience orbs blend to much in the ground.

When you kill all enemies, show where is the next gate.

Dashing cooldown should be faster, becasue of how big are the maps.

The swing feel slow and not respove.

The shooting magic fell slow and not respove too.

The boss needs anticipation.

When you hit somthing, it don't felt poweful.

There need to be more enemy vartion and combniaion.

Interacting a healling object should show "PRESS F TO HEAL", and also for the others.

When attacking, it will stop your movement. I fell like it should be slowing your movement.

Enemies sight are so small, so instead of enemies going to you, you are going to the enemies.

The boss and the player need to be show at the same time. Or else you need to move on top of the boss inoder to see the boss.

Sorry if it's too much. But keep working on your game though!

Thanks for the feedback! I'll definitely keep it in mind when working on my future projects! :D

great game you have here! loved the style!

promising game!

Deleted 140 days ago

Thanks! Glad you like it :D